Wednesday, May 24, 2006

What was that?

You appear to be speaking.

Yes, you. Don’t think I don’t know what you are up to. This is my PTK, and you cannot waste it.
Fine, cry, it’s good for your sinuses.

No, I cannot come in there. If your feet are cold cover them up. That is why I knit after all...all these hours knitting and you can lay there and complain of cold feet.

Did I forget to remind you that tonight is the finale of Top Chef? Prime Potential Knitting Time. I can finish a whole sock in this time. Think of your feet, if not of me.

Yes, I am aware too much TV will rot your brain out, I remember telling you. Have you heard what childbearing does to it?? No?? Perhaps later...

Now, GO TO BED!!!

Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday Queen Victoria! To celebrate the girls and their Muz (translation: Grandmother) are having tea this afternoon.

We are back from San Diego and are visiting here in Willy until the weekend. San Diego was grand, and I got in lots of PTK (Potential Knitting Time). We were out for my baby brother’s wedding, so sorry folks, some non-knitting photos follow. His wife is originally from Kobe Japan, and her family made their first trip to the US for the event. They are moving to Tokyo next month, so we are all trying to learn Japanese so we can visit. I took Japanese in college, but I need serious brushing up.

I am now almost done with this Walking sock from Knitting Vintage Socks. Since we’re at my folks house there are lots of fun spots to take photos.

Here he is lounging with friends on the 200-year old bed.

Visiting with my great-great-grandfather.

And some of the other locals.

And soaking up the sun in the front garden.

Friday, May 19, 2006

On Location

Howdy from California! We are on location at the lovely Glorietta Bay Inn Here on Coronado Island in CA. My brother is getting married (tonight!). I'll have some photos later...I forgot the camera cable.

Yesterday we went to the San Diego Zoo. Very exciting. I am working on a secret pair of socks for my dad's birthday, mostly while he's sitting right there. Good thing he tunes out my knitting.

"See" you all soon!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

What to bring?

OK, so it's the usual. We're going on a road trip. 12 hours in the car. 6 hours on the plane, both ways. Total of 36 hours of Potential Knitting Time (PKT). This is important people, not to be wasted.

(And all that travel is over 15 days. My brother is getting married, and the travel arrangements are convoluded, to say the least)

Last time I had this much knitting time it turned out Awful!

I am debating ...socks? Too many needles to lose.

Hubby Hat? Good thought, but he won't be there so I can measure his head.

Sweater? Too big.

I have three days left to decide.

This is actually interfering with sleep. I have to drive to Orlando on Thursday to pick up the parental units at the airport. My plan in to stop by the knitting store there on the way to find something.

And yes, this means leaving two hours early, and bringing dinner for the girls. But think of all that wasted time if I didn't have the right project. Wasted PKT time. I shudder at the thought.

(And also, I just found out I am a finalist in the competition...Very exciting!!)

Friday, May 05, 2006


OK, so I ordered all this yarn, Reynold’s Saucy if you must know. I am planning some summer tops for the girls, but that is for another post.

One looked so pretty online, but it turned out to be a cammo-green. I was complaining to the husband about it last night, since the girls both groaned when they saw it. Then, it happened.

“That would make a good hat. I like the color”

Can you believe it???

For years I have been under strict orders to not get any ideas and knit for him. He is super picky about clothes (the slouchier the better) and we agreed a long time ago it was best for our relationship if the yarn was my thing. We figured I would be crushed if he didn’t like it, and he would be uncomfortable wearing something out of obligation.

But now he wants a hat. This is big. It’s the crack in his armor that I have been waiting for.

(The picture is little-sis in the old hat)

Next, I’ll tempt him with socks, and before you know it he’s wearing a sweater. I just know it.

And yes, this is a lot of responsibility for one hat.

It’ll have to be ribbed, and boring, but he wants me to knit something for him. He actually wears caps year round. I know, we live in Florida, and it’s wacky to want headgear in the summer…it serves a higher purpose.

So, little sis and I drove an hour to the knitting store to get the right sized needles. She was so good about all the time in the car seat that I took her for a cookie at Barnes and Noble afterward.

I’ll let you know how it turns out.

This is all the Saucy I ordered...and a self portrait of big-sis.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Not Me!

What’s behind my back?? Nothing, I swear!
Oh, that? Poking out? It’s a stick, harmless little stick.
No! I am not knitting!!
Of course, I am just about to mop. Dishwasher is running…can’t you hear it? Go look…much cleaner in there.
No, I was not hiding anything, just straightening up. See, this sock just fell out of the basket.
Why is the TV hot? It’s Florida! Everything is hot!
No, I did not just spend my whole morning knitting socks and watching Magnum PI. I resent that!
The children? What chil…oh, them. I’m sure they’re here somewhere.
Where?!?! Why are they running around the backyard in their pajamas?! Well the fresh air is good for them, and it keeps them out of my yarn.
I do clean…dust bunnies? Where? Are they angora?
No, knitting is not all I think about. I think about mopping, a lot. Pondering the chores brings me a zen-like peace, really.
I’m sorry you don’t believe me. Frankly, I’m done with this conversation.
And I am NOT obsessed, this is a healthy way to relax!!