I hope everyone’s week is winding down and you are all set for a relaxing weekend. Last week I got so many interesting answers to the knitting rules question, so I figured I’d post a new question for this weekend.
A while back the snappy Candsmom over at Bits of Knits asked how I found so much time to knit. I have been thinking about since then. I feel like I hardly EVER have time to knit.
So, I’m posing a question to everyone…how do YOU find time to knit?
This isn’t just for us stay at home mom types. We all are busy, so I am wondering what creative way you find time to accommodate your knitting.
My personal tip for moms: Duct Tape.
Seriously though, I knit everywhere. Doctors, preschool playground, library reading time, in line at the grocery store, anywhere. If I am not holding a child or doing household drudge stuff, I’m knitting.
So today after preschool the girls played on the playground for what seemed like hours. Not to worry, I got a good gauge swatch done for a cardigan I am planning.
I have even learned to hold a book open with my toes so I can knit and read. Didn’t work so well for Udolpho that we have been reading over at Knit the Classics, but otherwise I’ve had good luck.
So, share your secrets, how do you find time to knit?

Oh gosh, I hope my comment didn't come off the wrong way. I didn't mean to imply that you have so much time to knit; rather, I meant that you manage to be so productive in spite of having so little time to knit in caring for Girl 1, 2 and DH. I'm hoping you know that I would never say anything catty to you. I'm pretty sure you do, but it's always my fear that someone might be offended by what I write, without the benefit of facial/non-verbal cues to know that I'm not being malicious. ANYWAY (sorry, I went way off tangent there!) I LOVE the idea of your "Friday Question." I may need to borrow that one. I usually knit from 9:30-11:30 most nights after shooting the kids and DH with tranquilizer guns. Then I sort of sleep-knit until I pass out. :-) I'm going to check back on your comments, because clearly, I need help in this department! :-) BTW, love the foot-holding/reading/knitting multitasking.
I try to do some knitting at night, too, after the kids are asleep. Knitting makes me feel less bad about the fact that I spend WAY TOO MANY evenings on the couch watching Law and Order.
But I am also like Becca, if I am not tending to a kid or cleaning something, I am probably knitting. I even knit at stoplights when I am in the car!
I don't really find as much time to knit as I wish I could . . . and I don't know how you Mom's do it. As much as I whine about always being so busy, you guys have a job the NEVER ends. I try to knit a little each morning with my coffee and each night before bed (but sometimes I'm just too tired or the temptation of Bloglines pulls me away). Sweetpee (DH) and I commute to work together, so when he drives I knit . . . but if traffic is bad (and traffic is always bad) it makes me car sick. The best way I can think of to have more knitting time is to quit my job! :) :) :)
Well, to be 100% honest, I neglect my kids more than I should! I knit while Owen is napping and Sydney is watching Miffy for the thousandth time. I've also convinced my hubby that I'm trying to make a career out of it, so I knit when he comes home from work and plays with the kids. I also try to knit at night when Owen goes to sleep, but lately he's been a night owl so that's not working so much anymore. Also in the car, and at my weekly knitting night, and on weekends...whenever I can squeeze it in, really!
I must find time to knit...or I would be insane...well more than I am now. Sometimes I put a movie on for the kids just so I can sit undisturbed...but I've learned I can knit around the kids, just no charts or grafting...nothing like that. Love that photo!
So how was The Mysteries of Udolpho? I am only familiar with that book through Jane Austen's "parody", Northanger Abbey. Was it good?
I usually knit when my 1 year old is napping. Otherwise, he is all over me and my knitting. There is nothing he likes more than playing with a ball of yarn!
I spend way too much time reading blogs and not enough time knitting. But I steal time during my daughter's dance and gymnastics classes. That time when other moms are out getting groceries or doing a few quick shots at the nearest bar or whatever they do. I just say, "Well, I'm stuck waiting here for 90 minutes. I guess I have to knit."
I only hate when I find myself waiting unexpectedly without my knitting, or when I get to a tricky part and there's too much going on around me to allow for my full concentration.
If you have kids, just sitting down for five minutes is hard enough. Stealth knitting (while they sleep or are numbed by TV) is about the best one can do.
I guess we all knit in the car, don't we?! The only other time I seem to be able to find is at night, winding down in front of the TV... gotta find more knittin' time...
Besides knitting in the car, I usually knit while watching TV. I actually get quality knitting time when kids are watching a DVD because they're so engrossed in the movie and don't bother me :-)
Usually, during the week, knitting is my way to wind down. I saw all the housework, laundry, cleaning, etc. for the weekend. That way, every weeknight I can find at least a little bit of time to knit. And then on the weekend once I get all the cleaning done, I reward myself with some more knitting!
Oh and as far as knitting and reading goes, I've done the same thing by holding the book open with my feet. You know they have those great little weighted book-holder-open things... I should look into getting one of those!
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