So we'd head down to South Carolina. A good bit of time was spent driving to visit relatives in Summerton SC. That's where my Aunt Bobby lived. No, that's not any sort of transexual thing. She was just the first person in her small town to get a "bob" haircut back in the 1920's.
Bobby was the family spinster. Born in 1899 she was a county extension agent. Going to her house was always a dangerous trip. It was great, but she didn't believe in air conditioning or fans. She also believed kids were great blueberry pickers. So in the afternoon, when it was 100 degrees, well lets just say it was HOT in those bushes.
No one ever cleaned out anything at the old family homested, so all the closets were full of jars of marbles, and civil war era clothes. And books, lots and lots of books. She had paths through them in her living room. She was one of those old people. Anycase, one summer she got us a copy of CDC. If you haven't seen this book, it has letters put together to spell things. Like CDC = See? The sea. This one had a little cartoon of kids at the beach for a clue. Well all summer ther was one we couldn't figure out.
So everytime I think of elephants, I think of this book. And why am I thinking elephants? Well, I am planning on doing a bit of a variation on my variation of Annouk. I think I am going to do it Valley Cotton from Webs In these colors:

Well around the same time I did my original Anouk I also worked up a chart for a fair isle type pattern with elephants marching accross. Once the children go to bed I'll try to find it to show you. I already have the willow, and I am trying to decide which purple, I am thinking Magenta.
And I appologize now for the spelling and typos. I'll try to fix after bedtime. The girls need to go to bed. The husband is out late, so just me and the girlstoday, all day today...
(Oh, and if noone guesses it I'll post the answer to the puzzle tomorrow)
Ve haf vays of...too funny. I wonder if the german accent is deliberate? I love word puzzles like this: We have eaten the elephant.soooo funny***CV
Okay, how lame am I that I kept reciting the letters out loud trying to figure it out, when chittavrtti already posted the answer above? :-P (That's a good one, BTW. ;-)) I can't wait to see your Anouk variation on a variation...your variation (#1) was SO beautiful. The colors you've chosen look wonderful already...very excited! And having had the kids all day today without the DH myself, I TOTALLY empathize with you. You deserve some VERY good wine. :-) Take care!
We had CDB, presumably written by the same person.
Ahh! We've eaten the elephant! Kind of morbid, but fun to figure out! Can't wait to see your variation on Anouk.
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