Or I should say, Happy Fake Fall! It is so hard feeling like this is Halloween when our highs are in the 80's and it is only going down to 65 tonight. Maybe after we have been here a while I'll get used to it. Our tree out front dropped a leaf. That's it.OK, this is how out of it I am…I thought Clapotis was pronounced Clap-otis, like Otis Redding. Since then I have listened to Amy R. Singer on Knit Cast. Man did I feel silly!
In my defense, I took Spanish in high school, not French. We were living near LA at the time and we were told during freshman orientation that if we ever hoped to get a summer job we’d have to know Spanish. And I , not wanting to cut my career at Jack in the Box short, signed right up.
Side note: before I was old enough to seek employment we moved back to Williamsburg, VA, so I got a GREAT first job of working in the Wythe candy store in Colonial Williamsburg. Been there? Yeah, best job I ever had.
So, I am the last person on the planet to make one, I know. Don’t think I didn’t try.
My fabulous sister gave me # 2 balls of this mystery yarn last year for Christmas and I tried with it. Great yarn, but way too thick. The labels are in the bottom of the stash somewhere...really cute person on a scooter.
Fortunately I live in Daytona Beach now, so it is not like I have to worry about bumping into one around here…not exactly a big knitting scene.
So I am tackling it with Sock Landscape from Knit Picks .
Oh, and if anyone has any ideas, the yarn my sister gave me is still in the stash. It’s not enough for a sweater and though I am chilly by nature, I do not have much need for 50 scarves. It is Daytona after all.
Ideas? Maybe something for peaceful palms you say? My sister in law returns from Bagdad to Ft. Lewis in Washington in a few weeks....hmm...you may be on to something.
Confession: That's how I thought Clapotis was pronouced for the better part of 6 months! Thank goodness I heard someone pronounce it correctly at an SnB meeting, so now I manage to spit it out correctly in public. But when I read the word silently I still pronounce it in my head like Mr. Otis. ;-)
I'd love to know how it works out with the KnitPicks and any modifications you're making. And don't worry, you're not the last person to jump on the wagon...I'm still running alongside, waving my hands and jumping up and down to get the driver's attention. :-) Happy Halloween to you and yours!!
hmm...that yarn looks vaguely like rowan plaid. i could be wrong...i'm obsessed with finding that yarn for cheaper than $16.95, so i've had it on the brain for a while.
maybe you could make a pair of mittens with it? or a hat? maybe even a lap blanket? or a really chunky ruffles scarf. or maybe something lace-y? i've always wondered what lace looked like in chunky yarn...i imagine it's similar to some of the designs in teva durham's loop-d-loop book. leaves are always pretty...
wow, i would love for weather in hawaii to be like that...i don't think it gets down to 65...very rarely is that so.
the colors in the sock landscapes is very pretty! good choice!
Now I know what pumpkins are really good for - sock posing! Love the artsy shot!!
I haven't knit Clapotis yet either! I have been looking for the right yarn, and I have 2 skeins of Sock Landscape in my stash. So I want to know how this goes for you!
I haven't knit Clapotis either! I was also thinking about using some KP Sock yarn. Let me know how it goes!
Okay, to thank you for tagging me w/ the 20 things meme, I'm tagging you right back with the knitting meme. Questions are on my blog!
TAG! you're it! Questions are HERE!!
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